Hager-Richter Participates in TRB Webinar Highlighting Geophysical Case Histories for Transportation Projects

Hager-Richter participated in a Transportation Research Board (TRB) Webinar entitled “The Benefits of a Bigger Geotechnical Toolbox: Case Histories” on September 24, 2014. Jeffrey Reid, P.G., Vice President & Senior Geophysicist, and Steven Grant, P.G., Senior Geophysicist, were presenters in the Webinar. More than 250 sites registered for the webinar.

As described on the TRB website, the webinar “will highlight examples of subsurface investigation programs where appropriately selected geophysical and in-situ testing methods have been incorporated. This webinar is intended for geotechnical engineers, engineering geologists, highway and structural engineers, project managers, and other transportation professionals interested in increasing the value of their subsurface investigation programs.”

“Geotechnical subsurface investigation programs provide necessary information to assess site conditions and variation, to evaluate engineering properties of earth materials, to assess soil-structure interactions, and to identify potential project and long-term performance risks. The availability and acceptance of geophysical and advanced in-situ testing methods have expanded the capabilities of practice for both routine and non-routine projects.”

“Webinar Presenters
• Vanessa Bateman, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Nashville
• Peter Ingraham, Golder Associates
• Jeffrey Reid, Hager-Richter Geoscience
• Steven Grant, Hager-Richter Geoscience
• Derrick Dasenbrock, Minnesota Department of Transportation
Moderated by: Benjamin Rivers, Federal Highway Administration”

Jeff and Steve presented case histories of the use of surface geophysical methods and borehole seismic testing for transportation projects. A segment of the webinar on borehole televiewer methods by Peter Ingraham of Golder Associates included examples from Hager-Richter projects.