Hager-Richter specializes in surface and borehole geophysics
Hager-Richter Specializes in Surface and Borehole Geophysics
Surface Methods
- Shear Wave Velocity for Seismic Design (MASW, ReMi)
- Seismic Refraction (including refraction tomography)
- Seismic Reflection
- Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)
- Electrical Resistivity Imaging
- Electromagnetic Induction (EM61, EM31, EM34, EM38)
- Very Low Fequency (VLF)
- Magnetics
- Gravity
Borehole Methods
- Crosshole Seismic Testing
- Parallel Seismic Testing
- Crosshole Seismic Tomography
- Acoustic Televiewer (ATV) Logging
- Optical Televiewer (OTV) Logging
- High Resolution Color Borehole Video Logging
- Conventional Geophysical Logging: fluid temperature, fluid resistivity, three-arm caliper, natural gamma ray, heat pulse flow meter, single point resistance, spontaneous potential (SP) and normal resistivity.
Additional Core Competencies
- Precision Subsurface Utility Location (PUL) Surveys
- Nondestructive Testing (NDT)
- Video Logging of rock sockets and casing conditions in deep drilled shafts for caissons
- Vibration Monitoring
- Litigation Support