Hager-Richter Presents at the ASCE Metropolitan Section Geo-Institute 2017 Geotechnical Seminar


Robert Garfield, P.G., Hager-Richter Vice President & Senior Borehole Geophysicist, co-authored and co-presented with his brother, Scott Garfield, P.E., P.G., LEED AP, Senior Project Manager of Langan, a paper at the ASCE Metropolitan Section Geo-Institute 2017 Geotechnical Seminar in Manhattan.  The paper was titled “A Tower Grows in Manhattan – Design and Construction Challenges with Building Atop of the No. 7 Line Subway’s 34th Street Station.”

A new high rise tower was built over the recently constructed No. 7 Line Subway’s 34th Street Station and tunnels.  The building foundations could not come close to compromising the subway structures.

Scott was the primary author/presenter and discussed the immense geotechnical engineering challenges and innovative tools used for the building’s foundation design and construction.  Rob described how high resolution borehole geophysical logging during active construction was used to characterize conditions in deep caisson pilot holes, critical elements in the foundation design.  The borehole geophysical logging was used to determine pilot hole verticality and bedrock quality, and to detect steel obstructions, such as existing rock bolts at the caisson locations.

Hager-Richter thanks Langan for recognizing the contributions that borehole geophysics made to the success of this project and for supporting the joint presentation at the seminar.