Hager-Richter Called To Take Another Close Look At The Wall, 20 Years Later

Vietnam Veterans Memorial, Washington, D.C.: Stone Analysis
We felt honored to be called back into service in 2010 by the Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund (VVMF) to re-examine the stone on one of our nation’s most hallowed memorials. We like to think that it’s testimony to our mission to provide “exceptional integrity, technology and commitment with extraordinary results.”
The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is completed and dedicated on the National Mall in Washington, D.C.
National Park Service Rangers discover horizontal cracks in The Wall.
(VVMF) hires Hager-Richter to investigate horizontal hairline cracks in The Wall. Panels 5W and 6W are temporarily removed for study.
Hager Richter presents its final report, attributing the cracks to “natural geologic processes.”
A volunteer at The Wall discovers a new vertical hairline crack on top of panel 1E.
Hager-Richter conducts new studies of the entire Wall, looking for additional cracking and evaluating the new cracks it identifies. A week-long evaluation in early October, 2010 at The Wall uncovers several more vertical cracks. Hager-Richter presents its findings to the VVMF.*
*The above chronology was sourced from, “Cracks In The Wall: A History” @ http://www.vvmf.org/584.cfm
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New Cracks Found in Wall at Vietnam Memorial Scientists Find Vertical Cracks on D.C. Landmark that Bears the Names of 58,267 People Who Died or Are MIA from Vietnam War
Friday, October 8, 2010 New dimension to Wall’s little flaws Years after first horizontal cracks, vertical fissures appear in Vietnam Veterans Memorial polished granite